Central Minnesota Freethinkers is an organization created to foster a community of reason. We are atheists, agnostics, humanists, secularists, and freethinkers in and around St. Cloud. We live our lives happily free of dogma and the constraints of religion.
Whether you live close by or far away, whether you come regularly or just once in a while, we look forward to seeing you.
We get together for coffee on the first Sunday morning of each month, from 10 o'clock until noon. We discuss current and local events, books, sometimes watch and discuss short videos, and always catch up with each other. Please join us at the Good Earth Co-op in St. Cloud's Centennial Plaza. (map)
Freethinkers Night Out happens the second Wednesday after each coffee social. Each month we meet at a different restaurant in the St. Cloud area. Join us for an evening of freethinking conversation, dinner if you like, and drinks. Watch the events calendar for location.
Join our Meetup group for email reminders of these and other events. It's free and a great way to get reminders according to your preferences.
We meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month (unless conflicts require rescheduling) to discuss a book we have selected from one of our rotating categories:
The books can be read and discussed in one meeting (one month) or two meetings (two months) at most. Watch the Meetup page and this site for upcoming titles, locations (generally Caribou Coffee in Coborn’s on Cooper Ave. or the St. Cloud Public library), and times (usually 6:00 pm).
All of our events are scheduled on Meetup. We encourage those who attend our events to RSVP on Meetup.
Central Minnesota Freethinkers doesn't have an office or a postal address.
Please contact us at info@cmfreethinkers.org or simply attend a meeting or social gathering and introduce yourself.
Freethinkers Coffee Social February 2, 10:00AM - 12:00PM |
Study Group February 26, 6:00PM - 8:00PM |
Freethinkers Coffee Social March 2, 10:00AM - 12:00PM |